Music of the West
Brazos West
It was the first album from a newly formed group in 2013. The album included 14 songs with several originals. This is a great representation of the songs of the west and of Brazos West.
Christmas on the Brazos
Brazos West started playing for the Candlelight at the Ranch event at the National Ranching Heritage Center in 2011. Demand quickly arose for an album of the Texas-swing holiday music they offered. Christmas on the Brazos was the result.
Brazos West still plays the 2-night event on an annual basis, usually the 2nd weekend in December. For more information, please go here.
New Moon Over My Shoulder
This was recorded for a special event at the National Ranching Heritage Center in Lubbock, TX. It was during the Covid-19 lockdown and live events were not taking place. This was our contribution to the virtual event.